Sunday, August 31, 2008

Returning to my past

In an effort to prevent a bloodbath and time in jail for serving my boss as the special on a buffet (anyone remember that movie "The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover " where they served the lover for dinner, I was thinking of serving him with some basil and lemons, He didn't deserve the chianti) Anyway I went on the hunt for another position.

Unfortunately I am better at this than I would like to be. I started putting out word that I was looking. I was a little surprised at the mixed responses. Most were positive and seemed excited that I was available. Making that phone call to the network of friends and associates was not as tough as I thought it would be. Within a day of making the call I had a call back from my former publicist ( I love Abby she is the greatest). She let me know that there was an EC position at one of the private expensive universities in Indy. After two days of calling I finally got the GM on the phone.

Being quick I let her know my experiences and background. I was informed that she had another candidate and that his tasting was the next day. I offered to come in anyway. I emailed my resume and got ready. Oh did I mention I was also at the same time nursing a second degree burn on my left foot. A mishap on my last day at the hell pit. I spilled boiling water on my foot from a broken tilt skillet (its a long story dont ask)

The next day I get there. In a great looking suit and I was ready for anything. Sat down with the GM talked for a couple of hours and immediately hit it off. I was answering her questions well. Relating my previous university experiences and how they were so similar to their operation. Salary negotiations went much better than I thought. They would not be able to match my current salary immediately but within a year I would be back to what I was making. Their posted salary range was much lower than what they offered. I will take that! One of my better interviews. Next came the part I was most nervous about. The tasting. Considering my last tasting was an abortion there was some apprehension there.

The corporate exec chef was there and had a mystery basket prepared. I was ready this time. Approached it a little differently this time. No time lines, no computers. Just me, the knives, and a stove. Oh and some spices hidden in my tool box. Two hours, three entrees one being a vegetarian and an appetizer if I had time. Did I have time!!! Please. My only concern at this point was that I had a throbbing foot.

Shrimp Skewers with a mango slaw and brown honey vinaigrette

Fried Eggplant boat(always a crowd pleaser) stuffed with a warm spinach salad hummus and grilled chicken.

Tofu Napoleon with augratin potatoes and blue cheese cream sauce

Sausage roasted with a tomato creole sauce(using an interesting spice mix) over cajun rice and grilled vegetables.

While preparing this they brought in the other candidate. That was a surprise didnt see that one coming. They put him on the other side of the kitchen. I had setup right next to the stove and taken over pretty much the whole hot line. I kinda felt sorry for the other guy. If things had been reversed he would have done the same thing and I would have been on the other side. But I would not have changed my menu and would have made it work. So doom on him having to work a little harder. Sorry bastard. Besides from what I could see him prepping he was not in possesion of a fine dining background

They loved the food and the next day I got the job. So on Wednesday morning I was trying to call and get an interview and on Friday afternoon I was employed again. Pretty cool.

That was three weeks ago. I love the job not to hard. Staff is competent. Just needing some refining and streamlining. The previous chef was not very hands on. Seemed to expedite from his desk.....alot.

Buy the way I have been home for dinner everynight since I started and have had most of my weekends off.............Fuck You Bitches at Levy.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Has it been 6 months

Its been six month since I last posted.....I feel like I am at confession. My latest endevor has had me working 12-18 hour days 6 days a week. My relationship with T is in the tank and I am exhausted to say the least. And oh ya I am clinically depressed and maybe even a little bi polar. At least thats what the therapist says. They put me on some drugs but that just made it worse. I was feeling like a macy's day float all day. I am still in a funk and dont feel like myself. But things will change for the better I am told.

My job has me feeling in tatters and looking for something else. This is no way to live. More to come.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Lil Chef started day care today

Hey she insisted on the vente mocha with an extra shot. Who am I to deny her.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Just had to post this a friend of mine sent me

WHO IS JACK SCHITTFor some time many of us have wondered just who is Jack Schitt? We findourselves at a loss when someone says, 'You don't know Jack Schitt!' Well, thanks to my genealogy efforts, you can now respond in an intellectual way.

Jack Schitt is the only son of Awe Schitt. Awe Schitt, the fertilizermagnate, married O. Schitt, the owner of Needeep N. Schitt, Inc. They had one son, Jack.In turn, Jack Schitt married Noe Schitt. The deeply religious coupleproduced six children: Holie Schitt, Giva Schitt, Fulla Schitt, Bull Schitt, and the twins Deep Schitt and Dip Schitt.Against her parents' objections, Deep Schitt married Dumb Schitt, a highschool dropout. After being married 15 years, Jack and Noe Schitt divorced.Noe Schitt later married Ted Sherlock, and because her kids were living with them, she wanted to keep her previous name. She was then known as Noe Schitt Sherlock.Meanwhile, Dip Schitt married Loda Schitt, and they produced a son with a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Schitt.

Two of the other sixchildren, Fulla Schitt and Giva Schitt, were inseparable throughoutchildhood and subsequently married the Happens brothers in a dual ceremony.The wedding announcement in the newspaper announced the Schitt-Happens nuptials. The Schitt-Happens children were Dawg, Byrd, and HorseBull Schitt, the prodigal son, left home to tour the world. He recentlyreturned from Italy with his new Italian bride, Pisa Schitt.Now when someone says,

'You don't know Jack Schitt,' you can correct them.Sincerely,Crock O. Schitt

Visiting Chefs Have a Play date

I was fortunate enough to have three chefs visit lil chef today. We had a play date cooking party. Sofie Hadley and Libby all came down after naps and we cooked cupcakes.

Now as a chef I have commanded kitchens with over 50 cooks and chefs all working at once. And yet today I was a little nervous about these four little girls coming and cooking. I laid all my prep out got the kitchen clean ready for the arrival.

They showed up and had to make sure they checked out the entire house. Looking in every room. "A" is going to be upset with me I did not clean our bedroom. But we got the home inspection completed and then came downstairs to watch the movie Ratatouille to get properly motivated. Once that was done it was time to cook.

We started off with making a french vanilla cake dividing it into different bowls and coloring the cake. Then pouring the different colors into a muffin tin that was in the shaped of different bugs. Butterflys Bumble Bees Dragon Flys and Lady Bugs. Into the oven.

Then it was dark chcolate cake with coconut nuts and chocolate chips.

When the bugs were done we let them cool and it was time to decorate. each chef got two bugs to decorate.

When that was finished we had milk and cupcakes. Then finished watching Ratatouille. Quite the adventure.

The kitchen is a wreck again............but it was worth it.

Friday, January 4, 2008

The giving of others

In this time of holidays and un-employment for me and my significant other we are experiencing how shall I say it........well we are broke!! Today I was suppossed to get a check from the sale of the auction of our kitchen equipment but the swindler.... uh er!!... auctioneer won't be able to post a check till "early next week". Whatever that means. Anyway A was talking to her mom this morning on the phone and telling her about the problems we were having. Well an hour later she shows up with 10 bags of groceries. She explained she was emptying out her freezer but the funny thing was that there were also eggs and milk and crackers in there as well.

This being my third go at a long term relationship I have had two nightmares for mother in laws but this seems to be the "third times a charm". The sad part of all this is that she is a stage four cancer survivor which means its just a matter of time.

I hope she will be with us long enough for lil chef to get to remember her. I had a Grandmother like her and I credit her with being my inspiration to be a chef. I would like the same for my child as well.